“I want people to discover their own relationship to nature because it’s a humbling and awe-inspiring place. And when we learn how to navigate it, we’ll remember we
belong there, too.” – Yvonne Leow
Yvonne is one of our inspiring entrepreneurs in The Founders Initiative – a programme by APX and Porsche that supports the next generation of dreamers and doers. As a former editor, Yvonne seemed to be living the dream, but after moving from city to city, jumping from one job to the next, she felt increasingly apathetic and listless. She became a girl with a plan, but without a purpose. She began spending more time in nature, and going on her first backpacking trip helped her feel more confident, grounded, and connected to the world around her.
As someone who was new to the outdoor industry, she noticed how shopping for outdoor equipment was confusing and overwhelming for first-timers like herself. That’s when she realised she could combine her storytelling and entrepreneurial skills into one exciting venture, Bewilder – an experiential retailer designed to make shopping for outdoor gear feel like an adventure.
Nominated by industry champion Nettra Pan, Yvonne’s passion for storytelling and her engaging spirit are what made her stand out. As part of The Founders Initiative, she and other inspiring founders are prepared to take their business to the next level.
Find out more about The Founders Initiative:
The APX X Porsche TFI Medium blog: https://porsche.click/TheFoundersInitiative_YT
Yvonne on LinkedIn:
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Alle von Porsche angebotenen Neufahrzeuge sind nach WLTP typengenehmigt. Offizielle von den WLTP-
Werten abgeleitete NEFZ-Werte liegen für Neufahrzeuge seit dem 1. Januar 2023 nicht mehr vor und können daher nicht mehr angegeben werden.
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