「Watch The World Vlog#85 瑞士獨立製表品牌裡的英國血統 – Speake-Marin」
Speake是英國人,表款設計中自然有不少英國元素,猜猜有哪些?令我最驚艷的是Vintage系列,用上個世紀70年代的 Valjoux 88古董計時機芯,機芯佈局和打磨一流,過目難忘。創辦人雖自2017年離開品牌,但經營者仍然看重機芯研發和保留英國風格元素,2022年推出品牌第一枚奢華運動表Ripples,乍一看,你覺得像誰?
「Watch The World Vlog #85 British elements found in Swiss independent watch brand – Speake-Marin」
Today I want to share with you a very niche independent watch brand, Speake-Marin. The founder is a British, and this explains why British elements can be found in its collection. Guess what they are? What I am impressed most is its Vintage collection, which employs vintage movement Valjoux 88 from the 70s, fantastic movement and nice polishing, you won’t forget! Surprisingly, the founder left the brand, but the operators still value movement R&D and retain British-style elements. Last year, Speake-Marin launched the brand’s first luxury sports watch, Ripples. At the first glance, what does it look like?
#speakemarin #swisswatch #Temptation #ripples #Britishstyle #獨立製表品牌 #小眾腕錶 #小眾機械腕錶 #mechanicalwatch #vintagewatch #復古機芯 #Valjoux88 #peterspeake #independentwatch #watchbrand #patekphilippe #nautilus #百達翡麗 #運動表 #sportswatch #calibre #Vintage #one&two
#Speake #Marin #瑞士獨立製表品牌裡的英國血統 #British #elements #Swiss #independent #watch #brand