Drifting for 17,503 kilometres non-stop on ice, the Porsche Taycan GTS and Porsche instructor Jens Richter won a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDStm title with an electric vehicle. Challenged by extreme weather conditions 150 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the Taycan GTS completed 132 uninterrupted laps in 46 minutes at the Porsche Arctic Center in Levi, Finland. It’s the fourth time a Taycan has secured a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDStm title for an electric vehicle. That leaves just one question: what’s next?
Taycan GTS (WLTP): Electricity consumption combined: 20,7 – 18,1 kWh/100 km; CO₂ emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO₂ class: G; Status: 01/2025
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