“We’re not just a fashion label – there is a true feeling of community, and that’s beautiful.” – Sema Gedik
Sema is one of our inspiring entrepreneurs in The Founders Initiative – a programme by APX and Porsche that supports the next generation of dreamers and doers.
As the founder of Auf Augenhöhe [At Eye Level], she is dedicated to designing fashion that is truly inclusive of all needs and sizes From an early age, Sema saw the lack of accessible products and designs for people diverting from the norm. Inspired by her cousin Funda, a person of short stature, she was driven to change the industry to make it accessible for all. Using her studies in fashion design she started to use clothing as her productive outlet, bringing her brand to life. The visionary designer successfully creates clothes from her own sizing chart that fit the individual without modification. Today, her goal remains: to create a label that is truly inclusive and provides a sense of belonging to everyone.
Nominated by industry champion Jörg Rheinboldt, Sema’s expertise in fashion combined with her inclusive design thinking made her stand out. As part of The Founders Initiative, she and other inspiring founders are prepared to take their business to the next level.
Find out more about The Founders Initiative:
The APX X Porsche TFI Medium blog: https://porsche.click/TheFoundersInitiative_YT
Sema Gedik on LinkedIn: https://porsche.click/Sema_LinkedIn
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