“Only when we get quiet does our internal frequency become audible.” – Hannah Marshall
Hannah is one of our inspiring entrepreneurs at The Founders Initiative – a programme by APX and Porsche that supports the next generation of dreamers and doers. Through a strong focus on sound, Hannah creates immersive spaces that invite deeper listening and amplify human connection. Her minimalist approach takes people out of noisy, disordered environments into a liminal space of quiet and introspection. Her work has been recognised with several awards, and her practice intersects architecture, science and sound. In a world filled with noise and distractions, Hannah Marshall and her studio, H+, offer a unique and powerful experience that encourages participants to slow down and reflect on the world around them.
Nominated by industry champion Abraxas Higgins, Hannah’s vision to amplify deeper listening through highly emotive experiences made her stand out. As part of The Founders Initiative, she and other inspiring founders are prepared to take their business to the next level.
Find out more about The Founders Initiative:
The APX X Porsche TFI Medium blog: https://porsche.click/TheFoundersInitiative_YT
Hannah on LinkedIn: https://porsche.click/Hannah_LinkedIn
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*Alle von Porsche angebotenen Neufahrzeuge sind nach WLTP typengenehmigt. Offizielle von den WLTP-
Werten abgeleitete NEFZ-Werte liegen für Neufahrzeuge seit dem 1. Januar 2023 nicht mehr vor und können daher nicht mehr angegeben werden.
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#Founders #Initiative #APX #Porsche #present #Hannah #Marshall