As guests arrived at the former Palais de Justice for the 2022/23 Métiers d’art CHANEL – DAKAR show, they witnessed a performance of the choreographer Dimitri Chamblas’ collective dance project, ‘Slow Show’, in collaboration with African dance icon Germaine Acogny and performed by dancers from her school, École des Sables.
The 2022/23 Métiers d’art CHANEL – DAKAR show marks the beginning of an ongoing exchange between the House and Senegal. This event captures the artistic approach of Virginie Viard: meeting, dreaming, and building together, with others.
Film directed by Dimitri Chamblas.
The film of the 2022/23 Métiers d’art CHANEL – DAKAR show will be revealed on Thursday, December 8th 2022 at 1pm Dakar time, 2pm Paris time.
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‘Africa Rise’ by Vigro Deep
Written by Vigro Deep. Licensed courtesy of Rinse
#Slow #Show #Métiers #dart #CHANEL #DAKAR #Show #CHANEL #Shows