Certilogo’s vision is to leverage product digitisation to increase consumer trust in brands.
Certilogo embarked on a journey that led us to create a cutting-edge, AI-powered authentication platform that would ultimately be used by millions of shoppers worldwide and become the most adopted by fashion, apparel, and luxury brands globally. Building upon our success in connecting products with people through authentication, we progressively expanded our SaaS platform offering to allow brands to engage their customers more broadly.
Michele Casucci, CEO and Founder of Certilogo, will join as a panellist on the panel dedicated to NFTs, Innovation and New Trends. He will also join the talk on Sustainable Luxury at the Luxury Pavillion Talks.
Luxury Venture Group is delighted to have Certilogo as a Premium Partner at the 2022 Luxury Innovation Summit and Awards.
Learn more about the program: https://www.luxuryinnovationsummit.com/speakers/
2022 Luxury Innovation Summit and Awards
19-20 October 2022
Geneva, Switzerland
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#Luxury #Innovation #Summit #Awards #Certilogo #Premium #Partner