How To Clean Your Watches
Assuming that will be the bulk of my browbeating about dirty legs, I didn’t want to do a how-to that relied solely on my dilettante methods for keeping my watches clean, so I phoned a friend who knows a thing or two about grimy no-good stinky watches (and worse). Jason Gallop is the owner and resident watchmaker with Roldorf & Co, a family-operated watch retail and service outlet based in the downtown area of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I used to live in Vancouver and hold Jason and his business in very high regard. Additionally, Jason is a BHI and WOSTEP-trained watchmaker who graduated in the same class as Peter Speake-Marin, Stephen Forsey, and some guy named Kari. Lastly, for those that want more intense examples of dirty watches (and have the stomach for the visual) don’t miss the Toxic Tuesday stories that Jason runs on the Roldorf Instagram account – where watches come into their service desk looking like they just finished a Tough Mudder event (see below, sorry).
#Clean #Watches