Today is D-day. And by that John means Design Day. John finally gets to see the design of his yacht. For the big reveal, Tanno invites John aboard a gorgeous small yacht from the Feadship Heritage Fleet: the Ammerland. It started with a blank sheet of paper and now John is receiving the blueprints for the coolest, more forward-thinking yacht on the planet. That is, if it ever gets built… Listen now to the final episode of Feadship Uncovered: The Reveal.
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About Feadship:
Based in the Netherlands and with roots dating back to1849, Feadship is recognised as the world leader in the field of custom superyachts. Each Feadship is defined by its superb craftsmanship and sets the standard in every aspect of design, engineering and construction. These bespoke motoryachts are created in partnership with owners who are prepared to invest in a wonderful building experience and reap the rewards for many years to come in terms of both pleasure and re-sale value.
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