[#貴族開箱 #RM0704] RM終於出女裝👩🏻運動款RM07-04 ,今次更一口氣推出六種款式,針對女子運動的極限需求,一如以往請來六位在各自運動領域最出色的選手代言。今集我們會搶先開箱📦RM07-04的奶油白色TPT款,不想錯過精彩的開箱內容,記得SUBSCRIBE ARISTO WATCH CHANNEL ✅
RM has finally launched a sport’s model for female, which is RM07-04, and this time it comes in six colors at once, targeting at the extreme needs of women’s sports. As usual, it is endorsed by six of the best athletes in their respective sports fields. In this episode, we are going to unbox the creamy white TPT model of RM07-04 with you, let’s watch now!
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#貴族鐘錶 #aristowatch #現貨 #RM0704 #RM0701 #RM0702 #RM037 #RM7401 #RM7201
#名錶 #現貨 #里查德米尔 #理查德米勒 #女裝錶 #femalewatch #diamond #愛馬仕 #5711 #5811 #nautilus #aquanaut
#ARISTO搶鮮開箱首款Richard #Mille女裝運動款 #RM0704 #RMs #sport #model #female