With a length of 94 metre and her special pearl-white livery, Viva made quite an impression on the spectators.
The owner’s ‘less is more’ philosophy has influenced every aspect of the design inside and out, with an abundance of clean lines.
The remarkable exterior design by Feadship De Voogt and Azure features impressive floor-to-ceiling glass windows which play a key role in the open beach-house-style interior by Peter Marino Architects.
The advanced hybrid propulsion system allows Viva to travel a comfortable 12 knots on diesel-electric power. A large battery bank ensures optimum generator loading and a smooth power grid. The top speed in diesel direct mode is 20 knots.
Interested in working at Feadship? Check out: http://www.werkenbijfeadship.nl
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About Feadship:
Based in the Netherlands and with roots dating back to1849, Feadship is recognised as the world leader in the field of custom superyachts. Each Feadship is defined by its superb craftsmanship and sets the standard in every aspect of design, engineering and construction. These bespoke motoryachts are created in partnership with owners who are prepared to invest in a wonderful building experience and reap the rewards for many years to come in terms of both pleasure and re-sale value.
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